Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
One day assembly
by Sour Grapes inat a recent one day assembly i walked away with the thought that the wtbts sure does not like witnesses who have the opportunity to make a good living.
there were, in one day, three experiences of witnesses who turned down "6 figure salaries" because there would be some traveling involved and some meetings would be missed as well as missing family worship night.
i thought it strange that the exact phrase was used of "6 figure salary".
Village Idiot
Does the Watchtower own the building? -
Jesus Saves From What? March 2015 Watchtower Article
by Perry ini just skimmed the titled article on and once again the watchtower is misdirecting:. .
they try and make the old case that jesus saves us from being destroyed at armageddon.
Village Idiot
Perry, serious question, what is the difference between the spirit and the soul? -
Indiana "Religious Freedom" (right to discriminate)
by Simon insickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
Village Idiot
@ Simon,
"Just one more reason that the religious should never be allowed anywhere near the political / law making process - they will always try to pervert the rules to suit their own warped view of the world."
“Of this General Assembly, the treasurer, attorney general, register, ministers of the gospel, officers of the regular armies of this State, or of the United States, persons receiving salaries or emoluments from any power foreign to our confederacy, those who are not resident in the county for which they are chosen delegates, or districts for which they are chosen senators, those who are not qualified as electors, persons who shall have committed treason, felony, or such other crime as would subject them to infamous punishment, or shall have been convicted by due course of law of bribery or corruption, in endeavoring to procure an election to the said assembly, shall be incapable of being members. All others, not herein elsewhere excluded, who may elect, shall be capable of being elected thereto.”
Thomas Jefferson - Proposed Constitution for Virginia. From The Online Library of Liberty: The Jeffersonian Cyclopedia, page 493, #4604.
Creator dependent on His creatures?
by economy injws teach that god created personsspirit beings and physical beings.
at some point in time, some of them defamed his name and challenged his sovereignty.
as a resultant, creator changed his status into a beggar (proverbs 27:11).
Village Idiot
God's ego does indeed depend on his creatures. Even though he's almighty and owes no one an account he goes along with Satan's plan. To prove what? -
Trying to live the rest of my life without being bitter.
by Bigdummy ini'm new to this forum.. i was raised in " the truth" from age six and now i am in my mid 60's.
my wife was born in " the truth" and is very strong in the religion.
i have had many experiences during my lifetime with the other members of several congregations.
Village Idiot
Welcome Bigdummy.
I was 14 and naïve when I was sucked into the religion so we can't blame ourselves As for bitterness we are entitled to it though it doesn't have to last forever.
Marcus Bachmann refused service under newly-enacted Religious Freedom Law
by Giordano inthis is way to funny!
Village Idiot
Be careful Giordano, people have fallen for fake news before like the infamous Onion. -
My worst nightmare, a speaking assignment last night. I've been OUT for 38 years!
by FatFreek 2005 inevery five years or so i have this vivid and recurring dream, tho you'll probably surmise it's more of a nightmare.
i learn somehow that i am scheduled for this theocratic ministry school speaking assignment, the instruction talk (do they still have those 15 minute drone-athons?).
i become racked with tension knowing that i haven't even prepared for an assignment that is only 30 minutes away.
Village Idiot
I think it's your mind seeking some closure. Maybe your subconscious is telling you that you have some unsettled business regarding the Witnesses in general or any individual Witness that may be related to you.
I've been out for 35 years but I sometimes have dreams of visiting a congregation while I realize it's not the truth. It might be because I never had the opportunity to tell any Witness that their religion was not the truth.
Why attack?
by newqatarjob inas someone brought up as a jw and been an elder and been disfellowshipped (twice!!!
) i find it difficult to understand why ex jws have to attack the religion, yes religion, not cult or sect.
i am no longer disfellowshipped just do not want to practice anymore.
Village Idiot
Oh boy, WheninDoubt is beginning to unravel. -
The Secret is out....but nobody cares
by MrTheocratic ini've been looking on this site for some time but never posted.
i'll give a little about myself, but not too much.
i'm a ex-bethelite ( brooklyn )and currently serving as an elder (10 years) (thinking about stepping down) on the service committee.
Village Idiot
Welcome to the forum MrTheocratic.
Who is like the Wild Beast (Russia) and who can do battle with it? Rev 13:3,4
by scotoma incontinuing my posting to the blind, deaf, & conventionally minded ... you may be out of the jw's but you are still thinking in a box.. now that russia is back it is clear why powerful countries are wary of doing battle with it.
putin is getting his way.. sorry, ukraine, you can't beat putin - bloomberg view.
jan 28, 2015 - ... restrain russia's incursions into ukraine, but they can't defeat putin.
Village Idiot
@ scotoma,
"Continuing my posting to the blind, deaf, & conventionally minded ... You may be out of the JW's but you are still thinking in a box."
I try not to judge a post by its opening line but I could tell that it's downhill from there on.